Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thing 8

RSS and readers allow me to have on demand access to what interests when convenient. I have already subscribed to several websites using Google Reader and can't wait to use this at school. The students can subscribe to educational websites!!! This technology allows schools to show our students a more productive way to filter information.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing 7

iGoogle is amazing!!! I customized my own page in just a matter of seconds. Google Earth is another great tool that I have used in the past. But, Google Calendar is something that I plan to synchronize with my Outlook account. Being web based is the great in that everything you need is everywhere you go as long as there is an internet connection!!!

At this point, I am not going to make my iGoogle or Google Calendar public. However, I am seriously trying to figure out how to convince our technology department to allow access from our school servers. The educational aspects of 2.0 are so vast!!!

Thing 6

These online tools are great opportunities for learning. I am excited about incorporating this information into our curriculum with teachers next year. Clockr and the pallette generator are both pretty cool from an artistic perspective. Thinking I will use the badge maker with my Tech Club kiddos next year...

Thing 5

I found a picture of these pugs on Flickr. Being a pug fan, I simply could not resist posting them to my blog. The larger one reminds me of Pearl when she was ten pounds heavier. The smaller one looks just like Ruby.

Thing 4

Sent the email...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing 3

If only I could add some volunteers to my avatar screen shot. I couldn't do it without them!!!

Thing 2

7 and 1/2 Habits

+ Begin with the end in mind
- Accept responsibility for own learning