When I first searched the blog posts, I found several entires so I then tried the directory which had fewer items to chooose from. It seems like they are all listed by index with the following words coming up as a keyword search in no particular order: school library learning 2.0. However, when I tried again with the search phrase: school*library*learning*2.0 it was a success!!! While the other blog entries were relevant, I was able to better narrow my search by adding the astericks to specify the exact phrase as it may appear within a blog post or in the directory.
I had difficulty finding where/how to search by tags within Technorati, but must say that tags are very useful for indexing items. This being said, I do like the verticality of Technorati because it is so easy to navigate. The organization by topic is a great tool for implementation in the classroom and/or in the library. However, my concern is helping elementary age students to discern information that is both accurate and authentic. Technorati is an index of blogs. Blogs can be educational, but it will serve me well to consider implementation as far as students who are learning the process of research.
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